Across-breed benchmarks

The percentiles are based on animals born between 2019 and 2021, whose EBVs have an accuracy that reaches the trait publication threshold (accuracy publication thresholds are listed alongside our trait definitions). They will be moved up a year on an annual basis each April.

You can also look at performance within a single breed by looking at our within-breed benchmark tables.

Continental benchmarks

TraitBottom 1%Bottom 5%Bottom 10%Bottom 25%AverageTop 25%Top 10%Top 5%Top 1%
Days to slaughter28.8120.3515.848.30-0.09-8.48-16.02-20.53-28.99
Carcase weight-13.51-7.26-3.921.657.8414.0419.6122.9429.19
Carcase conformation-2.79-1.67-1.08-
Carcase fat class-6.40-5.25-4.63-3.61-2.47-1.33-0.310.301.45
Average daily carcase gain-0.03-0.02-
Age at first calving37.6426.6920.8611.100.24-10.61-20.38-26.21-37.16
Productive lifespan-0.56-0.40-0.31-
Calf survival-1.76-0.310.451.743.174.595.886.658.09

Native benchmarks

TraitBottom 1%Bottom 5%Bottom 10%Bottom 25%AverageTop 25%Top 10%Top 5%Top 1%
Days to slaughter22.0013.068.290.33-8.54-17.40-25.36-30.13-39.07
Carcase weight-25.73-19.83-16.69-11.43-5.580.265.528.6714.56
Carcase conformation-4.52-3.71-3.28-2.56-1.76-0.96-
Carcase fat class-1.90-0.80-0.210.771.872.963.954.535.64
Average daily carcase gain-0.05-0.03-0.03-
Age at first calving46.7030.4921.857.40-8.67-24.74-39.19-47.83-64.04
Productive lifespan-0.43-0.25-
Calf survival-