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Here are some of the most recent news articles published by AHDB about beef genetics
Breeding decisions: More than just choosing a breed | AHDB
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Harriet Bunning, AHDB’s Lead Animal Genetics Expert, shares the latest news on National Beef Evaluations.
Long-term trends in breeding choices on the dairy farm | AHDB
Thursday, 16 May 2024
Over the last ten years, we have seen changes in the output of the dairy herd, with industry strategies moving to reduce dairy bull calves and a significant increase in dairy beef. BCMS data allows us to see the impact of these initiatives in calf registration numbers.
Genetic trends in beef sires used on dairy cows | AHDB
Monday, 5 February 2024
We estimate that, in 2023, over half of the prime beef animals finished in the UK had a dairy dam. This means that breeding decisions made by dairy farmers are having a huge impact on the beef industry. Below, we explore what this means in practice.